Satan is still trying to find someone? Dang! There are tons of people who would take his offer!
The talk ends with "so without mind"..... "I hope I shed some light on these scriptures"!! Not!
the attack by gog of magog with commentary watch to the end.
talk from the 2018 convention .watch till the end.
Satan is still trying to find someone? Dang! There are tons of people who would take his offer!
The talk ends with "so without mind"..... "I hope I shed some light on these scriptures"!! Not!
study article for october: speaking the truth.
the article is about lying, but the wt is all about lying.
i guess they are concerned with their followers lying to them!.
Excellent thread DOFP! Great examples that use to go in one ear, damage our brains, nd go right the other. Cognitive dissonance. Believing opposite things at the same time.
Great!, yep, those "religious leaders" whether called "elders, ministerial servants, circuit overseers, district overseers (May they rest in their caddies) service desk brothers, legal desk brothers or governing body members, are especially guilty.... because they endanger the future lives of everyone. The suck the life right out of you without a blink of an eye.
jeremiah 7:31 says, "they have built the high places of toʹpheth, which is in the valley of the son of hinʹnom, in order to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, something that i had not commanded and that had never even come into my heart.’".
according to this scripture it's unthinkable for jehovah to be pleased with child sacrifices.
but yet he sent his son to be killed as a sacrifice for all?.
Wow, it is weird to realize this in this way... kind of spooky to see how brainwashed we were.
beccah hendrickson of wgal comes thru again!
a fabulous interview with barbara anderson, all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together!
watch out watchtower!
Seems like more and more is coming!
haha! let's "cross our fingers" ... we get to!
beccah hendrickson of wgal comes thru again!
a fabulous interview with barbara anderson, all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together!
watch out watchtower!
Dang!!! Link, link, link!!!
I was so excited I forgot the dang link! haha!
Thanks Vanderhoven7! Did you see the picture at the end when Barbara is saying "Justice is due for all child abuse victims, and to stop protecting the abusers!" Notice what they are showing?
(Man! I had such a great story!.... Link, link, link!)
beccah hendrickson of wgal comes thru again!
a fabulous interview with barbara anderson, all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together!
watch out watchtower!
Beccah Hendrickson of WGAL comes thru again! A fabulous interview with Barbara Anderson, all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together! Watch out Watchtower! I loved the ending! What do you think?
can anyone remember or point me to a quote in either the watchtower or awake where they spoke adversely about some of the violent scenes in the original blade runner film.
WT didn't like starTrek, cuz they didn't want people to find out about "The Borg"! Haha!
is the term "waking up" the best way to describe when a jdub starts to have doubts?
to me, it is rather that a jdub realizes that what they have believed for years was a pack of lies and then they have to make a conscious decision if they want to continue to believe in lies or stop being a jdub or just go along for the ride.. it just amazes me how many die-hard jdubs there are despite every failed prophecy about the end coming, the borg being a part of the dreaded wild best united nations, the put down of women in the borg, the massive cover-up of the child abuse in the borg, the willingness to let a child die because they need blood, and the eagerness to shun a child who at the age of 10 got dunked to make mommy and daddy happy only to not want to be a jdub later and have the parents treat them like they are dead because 8 overweight, balding, goofy looking, incoherent men in upper state new york say that are the rules for being a christain.. jehovah's witnesses are a very sad cult that attracts people with emotional, psychological, or medical issues, have very large egos, can't make simple decisions, and believe in the tooth fairy..
Score! Love it Jo-Ho! It WAS a nightmare!
So glad I 'woke up'!!!
i just had a thought inspired by @newboy's recent post:.
why is it that despite the watchtower corporation being arguably the biggest publishing house in history, having produced billions of tracts, brochures, magazines, books for o very 100 years, and having the largest army of volunteer publicity agents on the planet, that 99% of the population is still clueless as to what their message is all about?.
if you ask random people what jw's beleive you will rarely get the so-called "good news": gods kingdom is going to soon usher in a paradise earth and fix all the worlds problems under the 1000 year reign of christ.. you will instead get: "they're the people who... 1. don't celebrate christmas or birthdays, 2. don't take blood, 3. go around with the watchtower, 4. have big assemblies... etc etc".
I totally agree, you are right! I don't know of one person who would say, "JWs preach about the good news of the kingdom....." Excellent point! If people don't know about this "kingdom", then how is God to judge them? On a WT article about "Is the Bible Outdated? or Just Ahead of it's Time?" or the AW "Is Marriage just a Union?"
the governing body and watchtower publications make clear there is only one official website that jws should go to about their religion.
they do not approve of independent pro-jw forums.
this would also fall in line of there being no independent study groups, on the internet, or elsewhere.. for that matter, they do not approve of jws posting on behalf of their religion on social media, “apostate” websites, or anywhere else on the internet.
It is the first step, Wild Thing, and so naughty, Londo! Haha, probably run by undercover mopi's... or pomos.... maybe apostates 😊